Kostenki 1 Streletskian point

45-27,000 years old (age uncertain)

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Kostënki 1 has a long history of excavation through the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. P.P. Efimenko’s campaigns during the 1920s and 30s unearthed the famous Kostënki-Avdeevo Culture Layer I, as well as a evidence for older archaeological layers. A.N. Rogachev excavated the site periodically from 1938 until 1976, and in 1948 recognised for the first time five archaeological layers. Later excavations by N.D. Praslov (1978-1994) focused mainly on Layer I, while those of M.V. Anikovich (2004-2012) focused instead on the site’s lower layers.

This Streletskian point was found during Praslov’s excavations. The artefact is recorded as coming from Layer I, but matches several examples found by Rogachev in his Layer V. There is therefore a degree of uncertainty about precisely how old the artefact is.

(Artefact housed at the Institute for the History of Material Culture [Palaeolithic Division], Saint Petersburg.)